
Iconsole streetview werkt niet
Iconsole streetview werkt niet

iconsole streetview werkt niet

Public CustomConsole(IStandardStreamWriter stdOut = null, IStandardStreamWriter stdError = null) Out = StandardStreamWriter.Create(Console.Out) Įrror = StandardStreamWriter.Create(Console.Error) Īfter all of that our new class should look like this. We can do the same for the Console.Out which is the standard output. Using the StandardStreamWriter.Create() method we can pass a TextWriter and get back an IStandardStreamWriter. There is a simple way to get what we need.

iconsole streetview werkt niet

Console.Error returns a TextWriter and we need an IStandardStreamWriter. Ideally we would just assign the standard output and standard error if new values are not provided. To ensure that a valid value is assigned we can use an alternate path if no value is provided in the constructor. What if we only pass in a value for stdOut? What happens if we do not assign a value to Error? If there are no values assigned to Out or Error then the application will throw an error. If a non-null value is passed in then we can set the relevant values. In the body of the constructor we can setup a simple check to see if a value was passed for either of the paramemters. Both will default to null if not provided. public CustomConsole(IStandardStreamWriter stdOut = null, IStandardStreamWriter stdError = Console) To accomplish this we will create an constructor. We need to initialize the Out and Error to a new IStandardStreamWriter value. If the output is redirected then some color coding of output will not be done. The flags are used to alter the rendering of output that is generated. The remaining properties are used to indicate if the othe streams have been redirected. Error is where error output will be directed. Out is where standard output will be directed. There are 2 methods and 3 properties that need to be implmented. Public bool IsInputRedirected => throw new NotImplementedException()

iconsole streetview werkt niet

Public bool IsErrorRedirected => throw new NotImplementedException() Public IStandardStreamWriter Error => throw new NotImplementedException() Public bool IsOutputRedirected => throw new NotImplementedException() Public IStandardStreamWriter Out => throw new NotImplementedException() We can start by creating a new class that uses the IConsole interface. By implementing your own IConsole you can change where the output is directed. The default implementation of IConsole simply redirects the output to the standard input, output and error locations. The IConsole interface defines how output is directed.

iconsole streetview werkt niet

You can redirect the output to another source by implementing your own IConsole. Or perhaps you want to save the output to a file instead. If you are writing a unit test you might want to be able to capture that output for inspection. If you are running a console application the usage information or any other output from CommandLine will be output to the standard Console output. ?, -h, -help Show help and usage information Using the -help option would provide you output similar to below. If you were to initialize a command line without any additional options you would have two built in options available -help and -version. This text is a standard output that provides usage information. If there are any errors CommandLine will intercept the execution and will output some usage text. CommandLine will parse the tokens provided on the command line and evaluate them against the configured command line. Once you have configured the command line with the available commands, options, arguments, directives and delimiters you can run your application and pass in the arguments. There are a number of features in this tool and I encourage you to visit the NuGet page or the GitHub site for the latest information. See the Resources for links to resources referenced in this post.

#Iconsole streetview werkt niet install#

This means that to install it you will need to include the -prerelease flag when installing with dotnet add package. net command line parser.Īs of this writing the package is in pre-release with version 2.0.0-beta1.21216.1.

Iconsole streetview werkt niet